KU Economics Math Bootcamp

Taught by Dr. William Duncan 

August 12-23, 2024

This multi-day workshop and orientation is designed for Master's and PhD candidates in KU's economics department as a refresher on mathematics theory and practice relevant to coursework. Participation is recommended for all incoming students and is open to any returning students who would like additional review.

This event is restricted to members of KU's Economics department and is not open to the public.

Schedule & Topics

  August 12 - 16  2:00 - 5:00*  Math Bootcamp
  August 19  9:00 - 3:30  New GTA Orientation (no bootcamp)
  August 20 - 22  2:00 - 5:00  Math Bootcamp
  August 23  9:00 - 11:30  Math Bootcamp Exam
  August 23  12:00 - 1:00  Econ Department Welcome Event


* August 12-13 schedule is subject to change pending the ISS schedule release in order to avoid conflicts


Questions about this workshop can be directed to williamduncan@ku.edu or michmor@ku.edu.